What Can Geothermal Energy Do for Colorado?

By: Jacob Barrons

Geothermal Energy Development in Colorado: Harnessing the Earth's Heat

Geothermal energy in Colorado has gained traction through innovative initiatives like the “Heat Beneath Our Feet” campaign and notable projects such as the Mt. Princeton geothermal plant. These endeavors signify the state's commitment to exploring and leveraging its abundant geothermal resources for sustainable energy production.

The “Heat Beneath Our Feet” Campaign:

Initiated to raise awareness about geothermal energy, the "Heat Beneath Our Feet" campaign aims to educate Coloradans about the potential of tapping into the Earth's heat as a renewable energy source. The campaign highlights the geological wealth of the state, emphasizing its hot springs, geysers, and subterranean reservoirs as viable sources for clean and reliable energy generation. It highlights the immense potential of geothermal energy in the western United States by predicting that up to 80 gigawatts of power capacity could be deployed by 2030.

There are currently approximately 144 gigawatts of wind power and 110 gigawatts of solar in the United States, deploying an additional 80 gigawatts of geothermal capacity would be an immense increase in the amount of renewable energy available in the western United States.

This educational drive underscores the environmental benefits of geothermal energy, positioning it as a key player in Colorado's transition towards a more sustainable energy future. By engaging communities, businesses, and policymakers, the campaign seeks to foster support and understanding for geothermal energy development across the state.

Mt. Princeton Geothermal Plant:

One of Colorado's prominent geothermal energy projects is the Mt. Princeton geothermal plant located in Chaffee County. This facility harnesses the natural heat from the Earth to generate electricity, showcasing the practical application of geothermal energy in the state. It has faced significant push back from home owners in the area who say it would ruin their views of Mt. Princeton, as well as be loud and unsafe.

Key Features and Significance:

Renewable Power Generation: The Mt. Princeton geothermal plant utilizes geothermal fluid extracted from deep wells to produce clean and sustainable electricity. It is a known technology because of it similarity to petroleum fracking both in terms of the equipment and process used.

Environmental Benefits: By tapping into geothermal reservoirs, the plant significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to conventional fossil fuel-based power plants, aligning with Colorado's commitment to clean energy.

Local Economic Impact: The project contributes to the local economy by creating jobs, fostering technological advancements, and promoting investment in renewable energy infrastructure. Estimates place the number of oil wells suitable for geothermal in Colorado at approximately 65%.

Challenges and Opportunities:

There are number of challenges in the growth of the geothermal industry in Colorado. Technical advancements in drilling technologies and heat extraction methods are crucial for expanding geothermal energy production in Colorado. There needs to be continued efforts to engage communities and stakeholders, who are essential to garner support and address concerns regarding geothermal projects. Projects such as the Mt. Princeton geothermal power plant have shown the importance of building strong community ties to mitigate potential community back lash. A key challenge remains costs, despite its potential, the initial costs of geothermal development remain relatively high. Investment incentives and cost-effective solutions are necessary to drive widespread adoption.

Future Prospects:

The "Heat Beneath Our Feet" campaign serves as a catalyst for increased interest and investment in geothermal energy. Leveraging successful projects like the Mt. Princeton geothermal plant as a model for sustainable energy development can encourage further exploration and utilization of Colorado's geothermal resources.


Collaborative efforts between government, industries, and communities are vital in overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities to expand geothermal energy's role in Colorado's renewable energy portfolio. As the State continues its journey towards a greener future, geothermal energy stands poised to play a pivotal role in meeting its energy needs while reducing environmental impacts.