Adaptive Reuse of Empty Office Space

Adaptive reuse is the process of modifying an existing building to serve new uses. This form of redevelopment presents an exciting opportunity to adapt existing properties to meet the current needs of the community. Adaptive reuse could promote sustainability in Denver by redeveloping empty office space as housing.

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Mitigation Banking Under Section 404 of CWA

The loss of wetlands within the continental United States is not a new phenomenon; still, little has been done to slow the progressive loss of wetland habitats successfully. Since the 1780s, the continental United States has lost nearly 50% of its wetlands, and since 2009, the rate of wetland loss has increased by another 50%. Much of this historical loss was due, in part, to a misunderstanding of the significant roles wetlands play in filtering pollution, providing habitat for numerous plant and animal species, and providing natural flood control.

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waterEnvironment 5280
The Rise of 'Greenwashing' Class Action Litigation

Greenwash is a verb defined by the Marriam-Webster Dictionary; “to make (something, such as a product, policy, or practice) appear to be more environmentally friendly or less environmentally damaging than it really is”. The environmentalist Jay Westervelt, coined the term in a law review article in 1986 describing marketing that intentionally deceived consumers into thinking a product or company was sustainable. Today, Greenwashing has become part of the colloquial language, especially used in response to companies that utilize green slogans and advertising to attract sustainability conscious consumers.

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HB24-1313: The New Transit-Oriented Communities Bill in Colorado

While Colorado is known for its unique landscapes and environmentally conscious approach to climate-related issues, Denver ranks #6 in the nation for being one of the most polluted cities by ozone, following California and Arizona. Even more concerning, the US EPA has classified the Denver metropolitan area and North Front Range area as being in severe nonattainment for ozone and ground level ozone.

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How “green” is nuclear energy’s carbon lifecycle?

Both surging interest and investment in nuclear energy as a way to meet net zero goals and to diminish the worst effects of climate change, as well as the US commitment at COP28 to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050, are reasons to pause and examine how “green” nuclear power really is. It is important to consider the carbon life cycle of a typical, light-water reactor nuclear power plant (NPP). If nuclear energy is not truly lower in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over that life cycle than other power sources, then nations choosing it as a way to meet legally-binding Paris Agreement NDCs regarding GHG reduction requirements may open themselves up to climate litigation.

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New Hopes for Old Growth

When imagining vast, biodiverse, tracts of land in the United States it is easy to imagine the expansive rainforests of the Pacific Northwest, the hard-to-reach peaks of the Rocky Mountains, or maybe even the sprawling deserts in Arizona and New Mexico. However, the southeastern United States from Texas to Georgia and Florida up to Virginia can claim a spot on that list . . . or least they used to.

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land useEnvironment 5280
A Push for Pollinators

Pollination is an ecosystem function that serves as the foundation for all life on Earth. Pollination occurs when the pollen grains from the anther of one flower are transferred to the stigma of another flower. Often facilitated by insects, bats, and birds, this process is necessary for plants to produce seeds. Unfortunately, the importance of pollination in our lives is often overlooked and undervalued.

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Major Victory for Climate Litigants in Montana

Climate activists gained a major victory in the fight against climate change this year in the case Held v. Montana. This case was the first of its kind to reach trial in the US and could pave the way for future climate litigation. The case hinged on the right to a clean and healthful environment, which is protected as a fundamental right in Montana’s Constitution.

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Ongoing Climate Litigation in the ECHR

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) recently conducted a hearing for an ongoing climate litigation case that may have significant impact around the world. The case was brought by six Portuguese youths against the 33 member states of the Council of Europe, and accuses the governments of failing to protect against the increasing impacts of climate change. Complainants assert that this failure to address human-caused climate change has violated their fundamental rights as guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights (“the Convention”). Respondents have challenged the admissibility of the case, as well as the Complainants’ status as victims of climate change.

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What Can Geothermal Energy Do for Colorado?

Geothermal energy in Colorado has gained traction through innovative initiatives like the “Heat Beneath Our Feet” campaign and notable projects such as the Mt. Princeton geothermal plant. These endeavors signify the state's commitment to exploring and leveraging its abundant geothermal resources for sustainable energy production.

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What is the Role for Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps are revolutionary devices that leverage the principles of thermodynamics to transfer heat from one location to another. Contrary to traditional heating systems that generate heat, heat pumps extract warmth from the environment – air, ground, or water – and channel it into buildings for heating purposes, this can lead to 2 to 3 times the efficiency of ordinary heaters. Operating in a manner akin to a refrigerator, they use a refrigerant to absorb heat from a low-temperature area and release it at a higher temperature.

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Is the Public Trust Doctrine a Potential Vehicle for Climate-Change Litigation?

The public trust doctrine’s foundation lies in English common law and was initially established to protect public commerce along navigable waterways. It has since been recognized in the United States in the landmark case, Illinois Central Railroad Company v. Illinois. In this case, the Court determined that all navigable waters in the United States and land under them are held in public trust by the government for the public interest. “Water is a ‘commons’ good that no single person government should keep for their own.”

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waterEnvironment 5280
The Impact of the Renewable Energy Rush on Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples’ lands and territories constitute at least 28% of the global land surface. Indigenous people represent 5,000 unique cultures worldwide, and they protect 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity. At the same time, despite having contributed the least to climate change, many indigenous people will experience the most drastic impacts from it if humans don’t ramp up renewable energy production rapidly and worldwide. Yet is it possible to do so without repeating the atrocities of the past or worsening indigenous peoples’ circumstances in the present?

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Wildlife Services: The Inappropriately Named Government Agency

To one unfamiliar with the work of Wildlife Service, the name may lead one to believe the division aims to serve and benefit the interests of wildlife; that notion could not be further from the truth. Wildlife Services is a division of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) responsible for the death of 1.85 million animals in 2022.

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