Posts in climate change
The Impact of the Renewable Energy Rush on Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples’ lands and territories constitute at least 28% of the global land surface. Indigenous people represent 5,000 unique cultures worldwide, and they protect 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity. At the same time, despite having contributed the least to climate change, many indigenous people will experience the most drastic impacts from it if humans don’t ramp up renewable energy production rapidly and worldwide. Yet is it possible to do so without repeating the atrocities of the past or worsening indigenous peoples’ circumstances in the present?

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Should Colorado really sequester carbon?

Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a technology that has the potential to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants and other industrial facilities. Colorado has been identified as one of three places in the southwestern United States with possible geographical sequestration formations that would allow it to serve as a regional sequestration sink. There are numerous risks that carbon sequestration carries.

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Rights of Nature: Ecuador's Novel Approach to Mitigating Climate Change

Recent scientific studies on climate change paint a bleak picture of the biosphere. In reaction to this large-scale destruction and impending international global crisis, the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres stated that the “world must step up” to protect the Earth from “the immediate and ever-growing risk of the climate emergency.” The Rights of Nature (RoN) legal approach is a system communities around the globe can implement to “step up” responses to the climate change threat and mitigate climate change impacts through an alternative legal mechanism.

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Present Impact of Climate Change

Climate change activists across the world, frustrated by the inaction of world leaders to address climate change, have transitioned from traditional protests to demonstrative non-violent protests like vandalizing famous works of art and supergluing themselves at various locations. While their methods may be unorthodox, their message is being spread as they make headline news.  The message? That climate change is tied to capitalism and has a larger socio economic impact.

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Climate Change Refugees- No Legal Definition, No Protection

War, famine, and human rights issues. These concepts are typically what one may think of when hearing the word “refugee.” However, a less common notion thought of when considering refugee crises is climate change. The number of climate change refugees is steadily rising and becoming more common as climate change itself continues to occur. Climate change and human rights issues are deeply intertwined, particularly when extreme changes in a natural environment leads to the displacement of individuals.

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The Inflation Reduction Act- A Brief Overview on its Promise to Combat Climate Change

Hearing the words “Inflation Reduction Act” does not necessarily trigger thoughts of environmental legislation nor efforts of reducing the negative impacts of climate change. However, not only does President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (“the Act”) combat inflation and lower healthcare costs, it also heavily invests in clean energy. In fact, Congress has never passed such expansive investments in combatting climate change. The Act seeks to delegate funds that will invest in clean energy, allowing the United States to return to its leadership role as a major player in combatting against climate change.

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The Climate Necessity Defense: Acquittal of Climate Change Stopping Crimes

As the climate crisis continues to ravage the planet and government action remains limited, some people have resorted to extreme measures to draw attention to the problem. Some of these actions include blocking barges full of coal from leaving port, fraudulently bidding on oil and gas leases, and turning off transcontinental oil pipelines. Many of the individuals who commit such acts have faced criminal prosecution.

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